MD Shahariar Jaman Siam

MD Shahariar Jaman Siam

I am a Web App Developer and a Graphics Designer. I also love to write about the latest technology-r...

Joined December 2024

10 min read

Jan 09, 2025

7Zip VS WinRAR: The Complete Comparison 2024

7Zip VS WinRAR: The Complete Comparison 2024 Fileion.Com

Hello everyone, welcome to our first comparison article. In this article, we are going to compare 7Zip Vs WinRAR

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How will we choose the Winner?

Both of these software are quite similar in all steps. Also, both of them are very popular and can win the hearts of users. So, it is really difficult to choose the winner.

And so we have decided to choose the winner by using points. We will choose a winner for every comparison test we do.


If one of them do better than other one in a test then it will get 1 point. At last, when all the tests are finished then the software that will get the maximum number will be chosen as the Winner.

Our System Details

Before starting the test, let’s see which system we are using for the comparison test.

  1. Processor: Intel Corei9-13900K CPU @ 3.00GHz
  2. RAM: 32.0 GB (31.8 GB usable)
  3. System Type: 64-bit Operating System
Our System Requirements Our System Requirements

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Supported Platforms

So let’s start with our first comparison test for 7Zip Vs WinRAR.

7Zip Supports:

Windows 10/8/7 (32-bit, 64-bit), Windows Vista/XP/2016/2012/2008/2003/2000/NT.

WinRAR Supports:

Windows 10/8/7 (32-bit, 64-bit) and Android. If you want to use WinRAR on more old version of Windows then you can use WinRAR 4.20 version of it.

As the latest version of 7Zip supports more platforms than WinRAR, so we may need to choose 7Zip as the winner. But unfortunately, we can’t. Because WinRAR supports both Windows and Android. But 7Zip doesn’t support it. So we can’t choose any of them as the winner and we will consider it as a tie.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Supported Platforms: None. It’s a tie. Both will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Download Size

7Zip and WinRAR are both very lightweight software. But let’s see which is lighter.


It has different files for 64-bit type system and 32-bit type of system. The sizes for both types are:

  • 32 Bit: 1.13 MB
  • 64 Bit: 1.38 MB
7Zip File Sizes 7Zip File Sizes


Like 7Zip it also has different files for 64-bit type system and 32-bit type of system. The sizes for both types are:

  • 32 Bit: 2.95 MB
  • 64 Bit: 3.17 MB
WinRAR File Sizes WinRAR File Sizes

As we can see, 7Zip is lighter than WinRAR. So, there is no hesitation to say that the winner of this test is 7Zip.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Download Size:  7Zip. So, it will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Installation Step

As it is tough to compare between 7Zip and  WinRAR, we have also kept the installation steps in our test.


To install 7Zip on your PC, you need to complete only 2 steps. After completing the installation process, it will not ask you anything and will automatically choose the default formats.

Install 7 Zip On Windows PC Install 7 Zip On Windows PC
Installed 7 Zip on Windows PC Installed 7 Zip on Windows PC



To install WinRAR on your PC, you need to complete only 3 steps. But like 7Zip you can complete the installation in only 2 steps. In its last step, it will ask you to choose all the formats that you want to use with WinRAR

Install WinRAR On Windows PC Install WinRAR On a Windows PC
Choose all file formats that you want to use with WinRAR Choose all file formats that you want to use with WinRAR
Click on OK to complete the installation Process Click on OK to complete the installation Process

In this test, we have chosen WinRAR as the winner. Because WinRAR will ask your permission for formats that you want to use. But 7Zip will not.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in the Installation Step: WinRAR. So, it will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Installation Time

We have used a timer with a screen recorder to get the exact time.


According to our test, 7Zip took only 1.79 seconds to complete the installation.

7Zip Installation time 7Zip Installation time


According to our test, WinRAR took only 1.24 seconds to complete the installation.

WinRAR Installation time WinRAR Installation time

In this test, there is no doubt that WinRAR is the winner.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Installation Time is WinRAR. So, it will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Interface

For this test, we have just compressed a “Sample.txt” file into a “RAR” file and a “7z” file.


The interface of 7Zip is almost the same as WinRAR. But on its toolbar, it has used icons to indicate its functions.

7Zip Interface 7Zip Interface


On the other hand, WinRAR has images for its functions which looks like more user-friendly than 7Zip.

WinRAR Interface 7zipWinRAR Interface

In our opinion, we loved WinRAR’s interface more than 7Zip. So, we are again announcing WinRAR as the winner.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Interface: WinRAR. So, it will get another 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: License


7Zip is an open-source software. It is totally free to use.


WinRAR is a 40-day trial software. You can only use this software for 40 days without any issues. After 40 days it will still let you to continue with the software but it will show you a warning every time you use it.

In this test, 7Zip has taken the position of winner. Because 7Zip is totally free you need to pay a single penny. But for WinRAR, you will get only 40 days of trial  software. If you want to buy its premium version then you may need to spent $25.20 for a license.

If you think that  WinRAR will be best for you, we think you may buy the premium version to support the developer.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in License: 7Zip. So, it will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Supported Formats For Compressing Files

7Zip and WinRAR are developed for different purposes. 7Zip is mainly developed for compressing and extracting files in “7z” format and WinRAR is mainly developed for compressing and extracting files in “RAR” format.


7Zip supports to compress files into:

  1. 7z
  2. XZ
  3. BZIP2
  4. GZIP
  5. TAR
  6. ZIP
  7. WIM
7Zip Supported Formats to Compress files 7Zip Supported Formats to Compress Files


WinRAR supports to compress files into:

  1. RAR
  2. RAR4
  3. ZIP
WinRAR Supported Formats to Compress files WinRAR Supported Formats to Compress files

As we can see, 7Zip supports compressing files into 7 different formats whereas WinRAR supports only 3. So, we can easily decide on the winner.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Supported Formats For Compressing Files: 7Zip. So it will get another 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Supported Formats For Extracting Files

7Zip and WinRAR both support a large number of formats for extracting files. But which one supports more? Let’s see.


7Zip supports to extract files from:

  1. ARJ
  2. CAB
  3. CHM
  4. CPIO
  5. CramFS
  6. DEB
  7. DMG
  8. FAT
  9. HFS
  10. ISO
  11. LZH
  12. LZMA
  13. MBR
  14. MSI
  15. NSIS
  16. NTFS
  17. RAR
  18. RPM
  19. SquashFS
  20. UDF
  21. VHD
  22. WIM
  23. XAR
  24. 7z
  25. XZ
  26. BZIP2
  27. GZIP
  28. TAR
  29. ZIP
  30. WIM
  31. Z


WinRAR supports to extract files from:

  1. RAR
  2. ZIP
  3. 7Z
  4. ARJ
  5. BZ2
  6. CAB
  7. GZ
  8. ISO
  9. JAR
  10. LZ
  11. LZH
  12. TAR
  13. UUE
  14. XZ
  15. Z
  16. ZIPX
  17. 001

According to the software manual of 7Zip and WinRAR, 7Zip supports 31 different file formats to extract, and WinRAR only 17.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Supported Formats For Extracting Files: 7Zip. So it will get another 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Features

Let’s see the features of 7Zip and WinRAR from this feature table:

Features 7Zip WinRAR
File Manager Yes Yes
High compression ratio Yes Yes
256 AES Encryption Yes Yes
Supported File Size 16,000,000,000 GB 8,589,934,591 GB
Unicode file names Yes Yes
Solid compressing Supports 7z files Supports RAR files
Archive headers compressing Yes Yes
Supported Compressing Methods 4 No
Password Protection Yes Yes
Password Manager No Yes
Recovery Damaged Files Supports 7z files Supports 7z files
Backup Yes Yes
Drag-and-drop Yes Yes
Language Supported 87 47
Virus Scan No Yes
Repair Files No Yes
Wizard Tool No Yes
Free Yes No
7Zip VS WinRAR: feature comparison table

From the feature table, we can see that WinRAR has more features than 7Zip. So, it is really easy to announce the Winner.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Features: WinRAR. So, we are giving it 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Right-click quick features

When we right-click on a file, we may see some quick features. After installing  7Zip or WinRAR, we will see more quick features provided by these.


When you try to  compress files and click on the right side of your mouse after selecting all the files, you will see 6 quick functions of 7Zip.

7Zip Right Click quick features 7Zip Right Click quick features


If you are using WinRAR, you will see 4 quick functions of WinRAR.

WinRAR Right Click quick features WinRAR Right Click quick features

7Zip has more quick functions than WinRAR. More quick functions means it will help users to do their work more quickly.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Right-Click quick features: 7Zip. So, it will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Benchmark


According to the 7Zip benchmark tool, its compressing speed is: 12812 KB/s and its decompressing speed is: 204052 KB/s.

7Zip Benchmark 7Zip Benchmark


According to WinRAR benchmark tool, its compressing and decompressing speed is 5204 KB/s.

WinRAR Benchmark WinRAR Benchmark

As we can see, 7Zip’s compressing and decompressing speed is greater than WinRAR’s. So the winner will be 7Zip.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Benchmark: 7Zip. So, it will get 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Compression Speed

To perform this test we had downloaded WhatsApp For Windows both 64-bit and 32-bit, Line, The Bat both 64-bit and 32-bit. It was a total of 5 files and 555 MB. For giving you a clear explanation of this test, we have created a graph chart for you. Let’s explain, what we have found from that chart.

From this graph chart, we can see that, the 7Zip’s “Store” compression method took less time than WinRAR’s “Store” method.

But the 7Zip’s “Fastest” method is slower than WinRAR’s “Fastest” method.

After that, we can see that 7Zip’s Fast, Normal, and Maximum compression method is faster than WinRAR’s Fast, Normal, and Good method.

7Zip Vs WinRAR Compression Speed Comparison Graph Chart 7Zip Vs WinRAR Compression Speed Comparison Graph Chart

So, we can easily declare the winner for this test is 7Zip.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Compression Ratio: 7Zip. So, it will get another 1 point.

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Compression Ratio

For this test, we have calculated before-compression and after-compression sizes which we have got from the previous test. We have also created a graph chart for you. Let’s explain, what we have found from that chart.

From this graph chart, we can see that, the 7Zip’s “Store” compression method has the same compression ratio as WinRAR’s “Store” method.

But the 7Zip’s Fastest, Fast, Normal, Maximum, and Ultra method has a greater compression ratio than WinRAR’s Fastest, Fast, Normal, Good, and Best method.

7Zip Vs WinRAR Compression Ratio 7Zip Vs WinRAR Compression Ratio

So, we can easily declare the winner for this test is 7Zip.


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in Compression Ratio: 7Zip. So, it will get another 1 point

7Zip Vs WinRAR: Decompression Speed

To perform this test, we have decompressed 2 files which we had already compressed on our previous test. One of those files was in “7z” format and another one in “ RAR” format. For giving you a clear explanation on this test, we have created a graph chart for this test also. Let’s explain, what we have found from that chart.

From this graph chart, we can see that,  7Zip took more time than WinRAR to decompress the files.

7Zip took 15.22 seconds whereas WinRAR took only 13.33 seconds.

So, we can easily declare the winner for test is WinRAR.

7Zip Vs WinRAR Decompressing Speed Test 7Zip Vs WinRAR Decompressing Speed Test


Between 7Zip and WinRAR, the Winner in decompression Speed: WinRAR. So, it will get another 1 point.

At a Glance: 7Zip Vs WinRAR Comparison

Check this comparison table to get a full summary of this comparison test between 7Zip and WinRAR.

Test 7Zip WinRAR
Supported Platforms 1 1
Download Size 1 0
Installation Step 0 1
Installation Time 0 1
Interface 0 1
License 1 0
Supported Formats For Compressing Files 1 0
Supported Formats For Extracting Files 1 0
Features 0 1
Right-Click quick features 1 0
Benchmark 1 0
Compression Speed 1 0
Compression Ratio 1 0
Decompression Speed 0 1
Total 9 6
Winner: 7Zip


Both of these software are amazing. Any of them which you will choose, will loved by you. You can download both of them from the official website or you can also download it from Fileion.


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